Shot Club 2023

Welcome to the Seahawks Shot Club!
To promote off-season development and personal accountability, we are challenging each of our players to take 10,000 shots. The program runs from 15 May until 11 September. That is 10,368,000 seconds, 172,000 minutes, 2880 hours, or 120 days to improve your game!
Logging Shots
All shots must be logged on the HockeyShare site under your 2023-2024 team to count (Ladies use coed team if dual rostered). Use the links in the Documents & Links tab to go directly to your team for sign-up. Head Coaches will monitor progress, validate shots, and can provide direct feedback. The Shot Counter tab on the website will track total shots logged by each team in real time. Who can move the most rubber?
Compete Against Your Teammates
Using the HowToHockey app you can challenge your teammates to see who can put more biscuits in the basket from and smart device! This is also a great way to log shots before you can get to a computer. Look in the Documents & Links tab for the address.
20 minutes of stickhandling counts as 0 shots this year. A stickhandling challenge is coming your way after the school year.
Don't Forget Your Goalies!
Goalies can participate by making 5,000 saves! Make sure to help your tender out and blast some rubber on them.
Young Guns (Mites)
Mite shot requirements are determined by birth year.
8,000 for players born in 2015.
7,000 for players born in 2016.
6,000 for players born in 2017.
Slapshots do not count toward total number of shots for Mites.
Each player completing their challenge will…
**Become a better and more complete hockey player**
**Have their name on a Seahawks Shot Club banner at the rink**
**Receive a Seahawks Shot Club swag item**
**Be entered in a drawing for a hockey gift card (1 winner from each division and 1 goalie)**
- Set a schedule – better to practice a short time each day (see above).
- Complete the challenge with friends (don’t forget your goalies).
- Keep your head up and look at you target when shooting.
- Practice for accuracy – use targets (shooter tutor, paper plates, magnetic, etc.).
- Challenge yourself and teammates to accuracy competitions.
- Shift your weight.
- Practice your weaker shots until they are no longer a weakness.
- Don’t forget your backhand!
- Cup the puck.
- Good follow through.
- Shoot HARD!
- Hardboard wall panels from Home Depot/Lowes provide a nice smooth surface that won’t damage your stick for around $20 (use pledge to make it slick)
- Plan ahead for days you know you can’t shoot (vacation, bad weather). Always do more before missing. It feels better knowing you are ahead.
- It is easier to get a set of 10-25 pucks and count the number of sets you shoot rather than count each individual shot.
- Contact your Coach or The Director of Player Development with any questions.
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